Monday, July 18, 2005

Online verses Offline travel reservations

I wanted to clarify my position on online verses offline travel. In a recent Travel Weekly article I was quoted: "People are going online to shop. Travel is no different. That's where the marketplace is going, and anyone who believes that things will originate with a phone call is completely out to lunch."I do stand by this statement, though it was taken a bit out of context. As clarification: My belief is that offline support will continue to be a critical part of the online transaction. During a recent engagement with a large resort company, it was estimated that 80% of the consumers who telephone the call center have been online. This is no different across all segments (hospitality, corporate travel, vacation planning). The Web should not be viewed as another channel, but the ultimate channel for consumer interfacing. The misconception that all travel will be automated with no human involvement, over estimates the ability of software to emulate the human mind. In reality, complex travel purchases whether it is a tour, cruise or multi-city international business trip, will likely require human assistance for some time. The key is where the human action comes into play and how it is integrated with the online reservation process. One need only to look at he growth of call centers for giants such as Expedia and Travelocity to see that offline support is still critical for online transactions. My friend and colleague, Philip Wolf, CEO of PhoCusWright has been talking for some time about the transformation of call centers to customer care centers. It is this integration between offline and online reservations that will make this transformation possible.


  1. The key is where the human action comes into play and how it is integrated with the online reservation process.

  2. 2020.01.15台北酒店經紀人力銀行北部酒店工作開發部暨發展中心知名酒店經紀表示,以往上班族酒店兼差大多以門檻低、需要大量酒店小姐的酒店上班服務業為主,不過,隨著網路科技進步,八大行業就業酒店打工市場兼差型態也開始轉變,像是網紅、直播主首次擠入酒店上班從事酒店兼職工作的前5名。不過,許多年輕人要成為知名紅牌酒店小姐需要有創意、具備個人特色或是領域專業,也要具備國外接飯局(陪睡性交易)企劃、經過酒店經紀後製及行銷能力。酒店小姐要先吸睛,才有機會吸金。為了解上班族酒店兼職/大學生酒店兼差現況,酒店經紀人力銀行特別設計「台北風俗酒店經紀兼差現況調查」,酒店經紀2020年自1月1日到12月30日間進行網路亞洲大規模酒店上班問卷抽樣調查,有效樣本數為2000份,信心水準93%,誤差值為正負7.9個百分點

  3. 2020.03.04不管妳是什麼原因想要進入酒店工作,這個環境的確能讓妳快速的累積財富,相對的,也容易使人迷失! 在這裡大家都是過客,共同的目標就是致富!先回答妳的問題,到酒店上班別心急,要小心踏出妳的第一步,不要跟陌生人簽約,也不要繳保證金,那些都是這個行業沒有規定,有很多騙人的徵人廣告都會要不知情的應徵者簽約繳錢,這是首先要注意的,再來就是應徵地點要約在公共場所,千萬不要貿然的衝去應徵辦公室,別以為女生接電話就是安全的!在密閉空間內沒人可以保證妳的人身安全!。最佳場合見面..開放式公共場所 例如;麥當勞/星巴克之類的比較安全!。
    梁曉尊在教妳 怎麼確認經紀人是否有公信力也保護自己未來酒店打工的保障! Google搜尋:經紀人的名字,是否有相關事業…如果搜尋結果沒有!我建議妳再找找別人吧~。如果只搜尋經紀公司網站,也別輕易相信..因為不肖詐騙人士會藉由經紀公司網站欺騙無知女孩們。總而言之: 酒店兼差要懂得保護自己,酒店兼職才能安心賺錢。
