Thursday, July 21, 2005

Forced packaging

As you probably know late last year I authored a research study on the subject of dynamic packaging. Most of the industry agrees that packaging is a major trend and that the technology behind dynamic packaging is improving. While purchasing an airline ticket at a major online site I was bewildered by the number of unnecessary screens offering packaging. This was a trip to Vegas (perhaps one of the top packaging destinations) which had some narrow flight times. For 3-4 consecutive screens, I was unable to simply complete my purchase without scrolling down to the end of the page while being bombarded by package offers. A better solution would be a simple button on the first summary screen with packaging offer, not three additional screens! Dynamic packaging should not be push packaging as by its nature often these packages don't always meet a traveler's requirements.



Norm. How about your thoughts on MSN has also entered with MSN Earthsearch. Both these two Technology "geeks" are surely entering the Tourism and Travel Industry. Already Virtual Packaging can be done. I love it personally but I have been an advocate for many years on Technology and how to better serve travelers. It just keeps getting better. Unfortunately many in the Industry just don't get it. Shame.
I do the for comic relief. I am enjoying your Blog and will continue to follow your thoughts. TRAVELSAPIEN

Unknown said...

Thanks for pointing out the Google Touring application. I was familiar with Keyhole (the basis of Google Earth) but I hadn't seen this application built on top of it. I agree that mapping (both traditional and satellite photos) provide an important piece in the planning process, particularly for any type of extensive tour. The fact that Google has opened up their code to allow specific niche applications to be created should spur lots of innovation in this area.


Hi again and thank you for your follow up on my comment. Reality will find Tour Operator's and Supplier's actually creating a fully interactive ONLINE Brochure, for specific itineraries, using the googletouring values or someone's regardless. As an added value to possibly say Dynamic Packaging would in effect create a complete package with every element of the program visable. Much like graphic orintated Space Program visualizations. The difference is this will mix graphics and real video, real pictures, real happening mapping, costing, reservations, and ultimately bookings. I love it. Sure. It is utopia of sort however I can see this "package" uploaded to the large screen TV on the wall and one can watch their choosen tour operative with everything but the smells of the journey. Word is smells are now also being constructed in various codes. Limitless opportunity once completed. Anyway it is ahead of currrent factors in the Industry but that is no surprise. The Industry, being supposedly vibrant, forward, and exciting is actually run by very conservative fuddle duddles. One rather annoying factor is that too many theorists have become psuedo experts with no real life experience or any place they have invested their own money to test their thinking. I would like to see a better mix. Personally I have worked in both environments and can point to many cases where theory alone has lead the Industry astray. Indeed much of it is going broke racing to the bottom in pricing and incomplete technologies. Just an observation.
Regards. Travelsapien

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Medicine said...

A better solution would be a simple button on the first summary screen with packaging offer.

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梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

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